

Have you ever wanted to get all of your favorite scrapbook ideas organized in one place so that you can start putting them to use in your pages?

Well we here at Get It Scrapped would like to help you with this goal! Get It Scrapped has been sharing free scrapbook ideas with you for the past eight years on our blog, and while we love sharing these ideas we also want to give you a way to organize and act on them.


That is why with every new blog post we publish, we’ll also be offering a detailed page guide to walk you through the steps of implementing these new ideas on the scrapbook page.

Just look for the image below in each new blog post and click on it to sign up for your FREE page guides.

You’ll find the list of posts containing page guides below – or just visit the blog weekly and look for the download graphic following the intro of each post – and start collecting these page guides today!

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And to help you keep your ideas organized we’ve also got a free printable with binder spines and tabs.  So you can punch holes in the page guides, put them in a binder and you’ve got your very own Get It Scrapped Page Idea Book.

get your free binder tabs and spines here