by Debbie Hodge | Feb 9, 2015 | Composition, Design Your Story, Videos
Here’s a video version of a past favorite blog post: When setting is key to your story, extend it from the photos out onto the canvas with these scrapbooking ideas. Click here to see the original blog post with written designer notes.
by Debbie Hodge | Feb 5, 2015 | Get It Scrapped!, Videos
Heritage scrapbooking is a big and rewarding undertaking. Get started and inspired today. At the Get It Scrapped membership we host weekly live webinars for members. This one is from November, 2014, when we talked to Katie Scott about family heritage storytelling....
by Debbie Hodge | Oct 25, 2014 | Get It Scrapped!, Videos
You tell your stories piece by piece on scrapbook pages–and then they become part of a whole in your albums. This fall, I’m wondering just what kind of whole my pages are creating–and recording that in a video series. See how my pages are stored...
by Debbie Hodge | Mar 14, 2014 | Time Lapse Video Tutorials, Videos
In this scrapbooking process video, I give you a time-lapse look at the making of a scrapbook page very quickly. I made this page last night from about 11pm to midnight. Making a page in a hour used to be a rarity for me, but lately, as I’ve concentrated on leveraging...
by Debbie Hodge | Apr 5, 2013 | Composition, Digital / Photoshop Techniques for Scrapbooking, Feature, Time Lapse Video Tutorials, Videos
by Debbie Hodge When I began this page I knew that I wanted to make a page that included lots of buttons and pretty bits in a profusion alongside two photos from the Easter Table. I started with two same-sized photos. It took me a bit of time to figure out that I...
by Debbie Hodge | Mar 27, 2013 | Composition, Design Principles, News, Videos
About Figure and Ground and Page Foundations Make a “shelf” page with embellishment “scatters” Click here for Quick Reference PDF [box type=”download” icon=”none”] On A Shelf – Available as a part of Scrapbook...