by Tami Taylor

On the 1st Friday of each month, Tami Taylor gives you a sketch and shows you how she’s scrapbooked the past month. She’s also got  prompts for gathering memories in the upcoming month so that you can get your photos scrapbooked “one month at a time.”

I know each month I comment on how quickly the month flew by. I’m never being dishonest, but I don’t think I have ever meant it like this past month. Yesterday was January, and now it’s March – and there was an extra day!

I wish I could say I spent a lot of time with family, but everyone in my family was busy this month. I’ve been busy getting new classes out at Creative Passion; my oldest is studying hard to pass his high school proficiency exams; my first grader took up piano lessons. The list goes on (and on).  When life gets so busy, it’s hard to be inspired to make art. I do a little each day in my five year journal and whine to my pal Pattie Knox.  She turned around and sent me a 2-page template to use this month to help ease my workload.  And I was reminded of how fantastic my friends are and what a lucky gal I am.

Here’s how my month looked:

Are you ready to get this past month scrapbooked?  Here’s the sketch and a few tips:

Click here to download the zipped psd file

Click here to download the pdf file

When you’re pressed for time, find ways to squeeze art in for yourself.  It will help you relax, refocus and keep the fun in life.   Cut corners if you need to:

Get Ready for Next Month

Here the “By the numbers” sheet to help you keep track of the month:

Click here to download the By the Numbers pdf.

Want just the “Dozen Things” list?  Click here.

