by Debbie Hodge | Nov 7, 2013 | Ideas from Current Trends, Ideas via Product & Technique
While storytelling is a noble pursuit, sometimes a scrapbooker just wants to have fun! Inspired by the work of Brazilian interior designer Ana Strumpf our team had fun this month. Take a look at the magazine covers she marked up with sharpies, and you’ll want to...
by Debbie Hodge | Nov 6, 2013 | Color, Everyday Life
Color is a great storytelling tool for any visual journaler because of its associations with nature, its ability to trigger a physiological response, and because of the cultural connections people make. Typically, a scrapbooker turns to the colors of autumn that occur...
by Debbie Hodge | Nov 3, 2013 | Get It Scrapped!
This December, like Dorothy dropped into Oz or Alice tumbled into Wonderland, you will receive a call to adventure. You will move from the ordinary world into a one of magic and tests as the holiday season arrives. Many of the most-loved and best remembered stories...
by Debbie Hodge | Nov 2, 2013 | Feature, Quotes and Word Art
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. ~Maya Angelou You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi Click here to download zipped file with png and pdf files If you change the way you...
by Debbie Hodge | Nov 1, 2013 | One Month At A Time
by Tami Taylor On the 1st Friday of each month, Tami Taylor gives you a round up sketches from the past three years of “One Month at a Time”. I’ve been scrapbooking “one month at a time” for three years now and I’ve got 3 years...