by Debbie Hodge | Jan 15, 2014 | Give Your Photos Stories, Ideas for Page Topics, Picture Your Story, Podcast, Write Your Story
This week we talk with Christy Strickler, Sue Althouse, and Michelle Houghton about the photos they have of people posed with cars in order to uncover the many stories these kinds of photos offer. Be sure to let us know what stories the podcast triggered for you...
by Debbie Hodge | Jan 15, 2014 | Get It Scrapped!
Reporting on CHA 2014 Some of our favorite people went to (or watched from home) the Craft and Hobby Association’s (CHA) biggest annual industry show. They are sharing photos and impressions and videos and ideas, and we’ve got links below. Get a jumpstart...
by Debbie Hodge | Jan 14, 2014 | Events, Ideas for Page Elements, Scrapbook Page Subjects
Record the times you are living in with a scrapbook page that zooms in on a particular cultural aspect of the past year. Consider what was on your radar in 2013 and how it got. Think about the items that most struck you on the news or in your social media feeds. Or...
by Debbie Hodge | Jan 10, 2014 | Composition, Design Principles, News
Breaking design rules is actually a great way to brush up on what the design rules are, how they look applied, and then how you can break one rule when you buoy up the design with another rule that’s followed. Below is an excerpt of the newest ebook in the...
by Debbie Hodge | Jan 9, 2014 | Digital / Photoshop Techniques for Scrapbooking, Motif, Paper Techniques for Scrapbooking, Photos, Picture Your Story
So many scrapbook page stories are told with photos of people — with portraits. Look closely at those faces and the tools and techniques you like to use and get inspired by artsy portraits for the next page you make. We did! And we’ve got the results. ...