by Debbie Hodge | Mar 5, 2014 | Composition
Working with threes is a great way to make a solid looking scrapbook page design — and to make it efficiently. They eye likes things that come in threes. When you work with 3 items, you have the options for both symmetrical arrangements and asymmetrical. Line...
by Debbie Hodge | Mar 4, 2014 | Ideas from Current Trends, Motif, Patterned Paper
Below are scrapbooking ideas for using premade Bokeh prints on your layouts and how-tos for making your own Bokeh prints with copic ink, digital brushes, and photography. A popular photography goal in recent years is to achieve a successful Bokeh effect, in other...
by Debbie Hodge | Feb 27, 2014 | News
The first Wednesday of every month we post a new class for Get It Scrapped members. In March that class is Photo Play, and it includes an e-book full of ideas and how-tos, plus weekly live webinar events (with recordings). Take a peek at a few of the 30+ brand new...
by Debbie Hodge | Feb 27, 2014 | Composition, Ideas Spurred by Design
There are several layout configurations of combined elements that scrapbookers use again and again when making scrapbook pages (blocked, clustered, shelf, cross, bandand more). With the “L” or bracket composition, horizontal and vertical arms meet to...
by Debbie Hodge | Feb 25, 2014 | Finding and Using Inspiration, Ideas
Studying scrapbook pages by others is a great way to get scrapbooking ideas for growing your own style. In this “study” look at how the other scrapbooker has used product and design principles and how she’s handled the 5 parts of a scrapbook...