It’s the accumulation of well-chosen and carefully crafted details that create a masterful scrapbook page. Check out five details on “Be Their Safe Haven” by Cara Vincens, and see if one or two of them can inspire your next page.
Cara made this page as a part of her work for the Get It Scrapped blog post, Ideas for Scrapbook Pages that Record Your Intentions.
1. Use a collage of several photos as if they were a single photo.

Cara says:
“This page focuses on my intentions of being a better mother. I want to be present for cuddles and listening to stories and opinions, putting my phone down, having healthy
“I wanted to use a large variety of photos, but I didn’t want to sacrifice the room on the page.”
2. Use a fun mix of fonts and colors in your title.
Cara says: “Titles are one of my favorite parts of the scrapbooking process, I love to make my titles shine on the page, I love to mix fonts and colors and nestle and layer all the words together, layering them with stickers and embellishments.”
3. No room for journaling? Try journaling around the edge of the page.
Cara says: “Writing the journalling as a frame around the page is my go-to technique when space is tight.”
4. Sprinkle clusters of embellishments that are similar, yet not quite the same, throughout your page.
5. Love bold colors and patterns. Try weaving black and white elements throughout your page for a touch of class.
Cara says: “Vibrant colors and patterns are a great way to add punch to your designs, but I also love black and white patterns and they appear quite often on my pages. I find they can easily bring a certain level of elegance and structure to any page. “

Cara Vincens
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Hi, I’m Cara, I’m a Canucklehead (Nova Scotia) living in Luxembourg with my tall, dark and hot hubby. He’s French and the reason I came here in the first place. Wouldn’t we all do anything for love? ;) Though, it’s not like he had to twist my rubber arm to come to this fairy tale land, we love Luxie! We have 6 children… nope, not a typo! And only one of those is a girl :D As you can imagine, she’s a spitfire.
As far as crafting goes, I’m a paper artist and I do a lot of paper crafts but I absolutely love planning and scrapbooking. I love every single moment of the scrapbooking process, from the stories (oh, how I love to tell a good story!) and the photos, to the design, techniques and product (who can resist all those gorgeous products!). I love bright, happy colours, lots of white and lots of white space and lots of layers and clusters! Planning is a relatively new obsession, but it combines my love of papercrafting with my need to be organized, it’s a match made in heaven! My first love was sewing, and I can usually incorporate it into my scrapbooks (and even my planners!). Sometimes however, my cheating heart strays… it’s usually as Carnaval approaches and all those fabulous costumes are tempting me. I get that itch to sew on fabric (gasp!)… and I cheat on Scrapbooking, but she always takes me back ;)