5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Get It Scrapped

Why do so many of us love and persist at scrapbooking? I’ve shared my feelings in many of the classes here and in the article Scrapbooking Lets Me Both Hold On and Move Forward. Several Get It Scrapped Team members share their “why” below.


Devra Hunt says, “This page is about a moment with my son, who has special needs.  For the first time in his life, my son and I took an unassisted walk together.  There was no wheelchair or walker, just he and I holding hands, walking.”

“I continue to scrapbook because I like to see the progress my son has made throughout his life. From year to year I can see not only how he has developed, but, also, how his interests have changed or stayed the same. I am not an epic storyteller, but a few sentences with photos remind me of where he was, and how far he has come.”

5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Devra Hunt | Get It Scrapped

Grateful by Devra Hunt | Supplies: Patterned paper, die cuts, stickers-Pink Paislee, pen and adhesive-EK Success, design inspired by Lisa Dickinson for Elle’s Studio


Jennifer Kellogg says, “My daughter, Samantha, came home from college for her fall break. This page is about all the mishaps we had that weekend.”

“I scrapbook because I love using words and photos to tell a story. I don’t want our family stories to be forgotten over time. On this page, I wanted to remember all the silly things we did during the weekend. We started saying, Well this is a learning curve weekend! and I had my title!”

5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Jennifer Kellogg | Get It Scrapped

Learning Curve Weekend by Jennifer Kellogg | Supplies: Scotty Girl Designs: Geared Up & Genius at Play Kits; Libby Pritchett: Paper Clips Wavy #3; Just Jaimee: Staples; Fonts: Graphite & Iowan.


Karen Poirier-Brode says, “This page is about the stories I tell of people like family and friends, the trips I take and the events of my life. All these moments are often captured in photos but how they are important to me is captured best for me in the art of a scrapbook page. That is why I keep scrapbooking.”

5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Karen Poirier-Brode | Get It Scrapped

The Stories by Karen Poirier-Brode | Supplies: Get It Scrapped: template; ClubScrapDigital 0613 Hopes, Styles Mommyish


Marie-Pierre Capistran says, “For my page about the reason why I keep scrapbooking after 7 years, I chose a recent selfie of my family because this is the main theme I keep scrapbooking.”

“I made sure to use only elements on this page (embellishments and products) that made me happy. In the journaling, I explain that scrapbooking makes me a better person. The act of emptying my heart and my mind onto pages makes me clear my thoughts and gets me in shape for what’s to come. I also explain that I love playing with paper and pretty things, stories, and words, and photos of us. I also continue to scrapbook because this habit of photography everything makes me more aware of the small beautiful things surrounding me, and I simply love that!”

5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Marie-Pierre Capistran | Get It Scrapped

Nous 4 by Marie-Pierre Capistran | Supplies: Cardstock: Bazzill; Embellishements: Pink Paislee, Citrus Twist Kits, American Crafts, Hip Kit Clup.


Stefanie Semple says, “This page showcases photos taken on the day that my mother said goodbye to her parrot of ten years.”

“I scrapbook to tell stories. They may be ordinary, everyday snippets, big events or something that I cared enough about to take photos of at the time. Sometimes we know when this will be the last time, as these photos represent. Other times, the ordinary every day gives way as people grow up, age and change and if these times are not captured, recorded and treasured they will be lost. On this layout I speak about the phone call I got and how that precipitated the changes that resulted in my Mother coming to stay with us for a while. Photos show her parrot, Herbie and her as she works through the saying goodbye and him finding a new family.”

 5 Scrapbookers Share Why They Keep Scrapbooking | Stefanie Semple | Get It Scrapped

Goodbye Herbie by Stefanie Semple. Penny Springman : Family Time; Chelle’s Creations :At the Park & Zoo Crew; Kimeric Kreations: Something to be thankful for alpha; Fiddle Dee Dee Designs Template: You can quote me on that rotated through 90 degrees.


Debbie back again to talk about the why of scrapbooking. I believe that you benefit from recording your stories, as do the people in your stories–usually family and friends. In addition, the human mind likes images, and the scrapbook page is a place to combine words and images and design elements like color, motif, pattern, line and more to tell a story. A wonderful aspect of scrapbook page stories is that they are told both visually and with the written word. I strongly believe that personal stories matter, and that you can tell them on the scrapbook page.

Here’s a video I made the illustrates what I’ve just written.

Click here for the free class: Motivated & Efficient Scrapbooker.