The layout of this easy scrapbook page was inspired by a print advertisement. Whenever you have lots of photos to place on the page, cropping them all to the same height or the same width makes it easier to group photos and arrange your design.

Layout by Debbie Hodge | Supplies: Appletree by Sara Gleason/Zinnias and Swallowtails; Stitched by Anna White No 1 by Anna Aspnes; Between the Lines Alpha No 1 by Katie Pertiet; Westover by One Little Bird
How to make this layout
- Crop all photos to 2.5″ high. Widths can vary.
- Arrange in 3 abutting rows, staggered rather than in columns. Fill open spots with patterned paper pieces.
- Embellish paper blocks with word art or handwriting at three spots to create a visual triangle.
- Stitch horiztonally along edges of all rows.
- Place titlework at top center.
- Embellish at bottom center.
- If you’ve got a small amount of journaling, place it on one of the patterned paper blocks. If you’ve got a lot of journaling, place it on a facing page.