After July 4, we will no longer sell single past issues of Masterful Scrapbook Design – until then we’ve got a few ways for you to save money.
Single issues are not available after July 4th
Purchase single issues for $24/each through July 4th. Click here and use code MSDSingleIssue to take $3 off an individual issue through July 4.
Art Journaling Looks for Scrapbook Pages – $16 through July 4th
We’ve just wrapped up the latest issue of Masterful Scrapbook Design: “Art Journaling Looks for Scrapbook Pages.” This issue presents ideas from paper and digital scrapbookers and art journalers with valuable techniques and ideas for exploring and recording memories. Tangie Baxter, Dina Wakley, Paula Gilarde, Julie Ann Shahin and Vicki Walters shared detailed process notes as well as their BIG approach to making pages with art journaling looks in writing and in recorded video/audio interviews.
You may purchase this issue for $16 when you subscribe to Masterful Scrapbook Design before July 4th, 2012. After July 4th, you may only purchase it as a part of the entire Masterful Scrapbook Design collection for $122. Click here to subscribe for $16/month now and get the Art Journaling Looks issuewithout having to purchase the entire archive.
$20 discount on complete MSD library through July 4th
You may take $20 your purchase of the entire library of 22 past issues when you subscribe by July 4th and use code July4Lib. Click here to purchase complete library.
The best deal is a 6-month subscription
The best deal at Masterful Scrapbook Design right now is a 6-month subscription — a one-time payment of $12 per issue for the next 6 issues. These issues include: Telling Stories, Finding and Applying Inspiration, Being Trendy, Finding and Evolving Your Style, Scrapbooking Older Photos, Layout, and — if you purchase by July 4th — Art Journaling Looks for Scrapbook Pages. Click here to save $24 when you purchase a 6-month subscription. Through July 4th, take $5 off a 6-month subscription with code July46month. Click here
If you have any questions, please let me know via the CONTACT link above. If you’ve made a recent purchase and wish you’d had these discount codes to put toward that purchase, let me know.
We’re looking forward to the next 6 months with past favorite teachers as well as new teachers, including Doris Sander, Kim Watson, Summer Fullerton, Sara Gleason, Corrie Jones, Leah Farquharson, Lisa Dickinson, Emily Pitts, Audrey Neal, Lynnette Penacho, Erin Clayton, Dina Wakley, Celeste Smith, Karen Grunberg, Noell Hyman, Amber Ries, and Tiffany Tillman.