A 6 week class with prompts and page ideas for storytellers and scrapbookers who want to frame their December story in a new way–in a way that gets in touch with the magic of the season and recognizes their own heroic efforts at making it special. Get the special registration offer that includes a $15 gift certificate here.
This December, like Dorothy dropped into Oz or Alice tumbled into Wonderland, you will receive a call to adventure. You will move from the ordinary world into a one of magic and tests as the holiday season arrives.
Many of the most-loved and best remembered stories play out in a story form described by Joseph Campbell (a mythologist and writer) as “the hero’s journey.” In Your December Story, you are the hero, moving from everyday life into the magical world of Christmas and December activities.
With prompts and page ideas designed to tell the story of a December Journey, record the ways you and your loved ones experience this magical time. What are the details of it? What are the tests and challenges? Who are your holiday mentors? And what are your special tools and magical objects for making celebrations happen? A recipe? A secret hiding spot for gifts?
As you near the “reward” consider what this season really means for you and share it in a way that resonates into the new year. Don’t stop there, though, push your story that extra bit to understand and record the final steps of any hero’s journey. Take the road back. Uncover and share the “magic elixir,” that element that will make life different for you and others in 2014.
Every Monday for 6 weeks — answer the prompts, view the ideas, and open yourself to new and inspired ways to tell your December story. Weave these stories into your December Daily album or let them inspire a complete book on their own.
Click here for early registration access.
And get the $15 gift certificate that’s a registration bonus for those in the know.
6 weekly lessons describe a step of the hero’s journey, provide detailed prompts that you can enter into digital worksheets or printables, and ideas for visual and written stories.
November 25th: The Call to Adventure. In Your December Story, introducing your own “ordinary world” in the days before Christmas and December activities begin, is a way to show how impactful (and perhaps how much work) this transformation is. Plus record the early signs that pull you into the season and the process of getting into the spirit.
December 2nd: Mentors. In understanding and recording your holiday mentors, you’ll have a chance to look at the traditions you’ve carried forward that others taught you as well as the fresh resources you turn to for ideas and projects.
December 9th: The Magical World. When this lesson arrives in Your December Story you are probably living in your own magical December world. We’ll take the time to determine what makes the magic for you, the rules you navigate by and the experiences and companions you’re with.
December 16th: Magical Objects and Tests. Christmas holidays can strain budgets, calendars, and personalities. No December can be predicted to run like the one before, and you are sure to face December challenges. Your magical objects may come in the way of recipes, or traditions. Songs and games. Or perhaps a secret hiding spot for gifts.
December 23rd: The Reward. What is your ultimate boon? What have you been working toward since you accepted the call in late November or early December? How does it play out?
December 30th: The Road Back and the Return with the Elixir. How (and when) do you return from the magic of Christmas to your everyday life? It’s not just the logistical details you’ll record with this lesson. It’s what you’ve taken away from this particular holiday season. What were the most challenging and the most rewarding moments. Who did you spend time with? What traditions continue to delight and what new elements have you introduced? What attitudes and goals will you take forward into the new year?
Your $15 gift code. As soon as you purchase this class you’ll receive an email with your $15 gift code — you can use it right away.
Your classroom access. Immediately after purchase register to access the materials in the Get It Scrapped classroom. There you can read the pre-lesson and get a printable for paying attention to those first heralds of the season.
On November 25th, pick up the first lesson and then use the “story-coach engine” to enter prompted notes — these notes will be presented back to you in step 3 as a part of your customized story-telling plan. Be sure to get the “pay-attention” printable that will be a part of next week’s lesson.
Use the online story-coach engine to enter prompted notes. You can come back and read or edit these notes at any time. AND . . . they’ll be a part of your customized story plan in step 3.
The “hero’s journey” is a story shape that underlies many compelling tales — use it to tell your own this year.
Click here for early registration access.
And get the $15 gift certificate that’s a registration bonus for those in the know.