When you’re looking for a starting point and ideas for a scrapbook page, you want resources for getting the job done, and Pinterest probably has what you need–if you could only find it.
Scrapbooker Katie Nelson was an early adopter of Pinterest and has made it a part of her daily creative routine since 2010 . Check out her 80+ boards at http://pinterest.com/ktscrapbooklady and read on to find out who she follows on Pinterest..
CD Muckosky’s Perfect Words Board
I’m always inspired by beautiful words and I especially love it when they are beautifully illustrated. CD is a master of word illustration and has a great eye for other works of art..
Aggie’s Awesome Pages Board
Aggie tends to pin the type of scrapbook pages that I want to create myself. I love the variety of styles she includes!.
Aggie: pinterest
Rebecca Cooper’s Fonts Board
Always on the search for the perfect font, Rebecca finds some beautiful combinations!
Kelli Crowe’s Prints & Design Board
Typography, good design, and beautiful images, all find a home somewhere in Kelli’s pinterest account. She just has a knack for finding the best stuff!
Persnickety Prints Color Board
Color inspiration always gets me in the mood to take pretty pictures and create scrapbook pages with them. Chari features some great palettes!
Persnickety Prints: website |pinterest
Using Inspiration
Here’s an example of how Katie has used Pinterest to inspire her own creative projects. This pin from Chari of Persnickety Prints gave her an idea for using soft pastel colors to put together this collage using Flickr photos. Then she used the mosaic image on her layout .
Katie says, “Just seeing the image that Chari pinned gave me the creative nudge to go and put together a collage of my own. I have always loved using mosaics and collages on a scrapbook layout. Just treat them like a regular photo and you can create a page in just a few minutes. So easy and fun!”

Mosaic by Katie Nelson | Supplies: Paper: Katie Nelson ; Embellishments: One Little Bird; Photo Credits available here. Mosaic: created with fd’s Flickr Toys.
Katie Nelson lives in Utah with her husband and 2 teenagers. She loves photos, words, cookies, and Lego minifigures.
She is an avid memory keeper and blogger at scrapbookladypages.com and Toy to the World. She designs layered scrapbook page templates, is the co-host of The Digi Show, and a contributing writer and team member at The Daily Digi and Capturing Magic. She is passionate about documenting the wonders of everyday life!