by Tami Taylor

Welcome back. This is the second installment of this series: “Keep a 5 year Journal.” Click here to see all 12 months.

I’m back with a quick list of observations and another list of questions.  I’ve been plugging away at my journal and have a few things to share:

It’s not too late to reevaluate your system

My drawer is too big.  Yup, I got this drawer thinking it’d be big enough to fit 365 cards, and now I realize it would fit closer to 800 cards.  They don’t sit the way I’d like, so I need to reevaluate my system.

I don’t want to lose my drawer because I love it, so I need to find something to fill the space.  The cards are 4×6. Photos are 4×6.  That’s how I came to the conclusion that, over the next five years, I’m going to add a favorite photo here or there.

Is your original system working the way you expected?  It’s not too late to change things.  Think about what you like best and what isn’t working.  If you need ideas post in the comments.

My favorite card this month

My approach to the journal is to make 365 “question” cards with the question and some art on the front and the 5 years of answers on the back. So here’s my favorite card I’ve made — It was probably the quickest to create, but I liked building the little house and having the little piece of index card showing beneath the torn-away paper.

Projects from our 5-Year Journal friends

I’ve invited all of you to share ideas and images of your 5-year journal. Check out these two approaches.

Sherry Eckblad – Button Junkie


Terri Kinjo – Simply Terri (She started a few years ago)


I hope you join me on this journey.  You can jump in at any time: start on your birthday, a special event or just make today special.

If you decide to keep a five year journal, or are already keeping one and would like to be featured in an upcoming month, please contact me.  I’d love to share what everyone is doing.  I’d love to share all kinds of journals, so if you’re keeping it digitally I’d love a screen shot of your journal for next month.

And don’t forget the list of questions for March

365 Questions – March

365 Questions for January & February can be found here
