by Tami Taylor
October was a chaotic month. We’ve had a lot of changes around the Taylor house trying to shape up our routines and pay more attention to each other. We attended art festivals, fall festivals and held our own 4th birthday festival.
With November, comes the season of “I can do that!” I take on this crazy idea that I can do so many things before the Christmas holiday, before the end of the year, before fill-in-the-blank happens. Within a few weeks, I learn my lesson and prioritize what’s really important. Until reality sets in my list shows that this month I am going to accomplish:
- Project Advent – build a advent calendar to house some very cool legos I purchased for the little ones and yet undecided goodies for the big ones – look for the tutorial on this soon here at Get It Scrapped!
- 11/11/11 – Not entirely sure what I’ll do but I’m a sucker for numbers. I’m sure my son Kyle will ask me to head to Target as the new video game SkyRim releases this day.
- Christmas Cards – yes I need to start in November or by December first; otherwise I start thinking they aren’t that important.
- Family Photograph – Yikes.. though even now I’m thinking I could combine this with the ridiculous idea to send Christmas Cards – kill two birds with one stone right?
- 30daysofthanks – I really do love this and did it last year. It was so much fun I continued on into December. If you want to follow along I will be posting my thanks on my blog Tidbits. If you join in please share your blog link here in the comments or on my blog. I’ll give you a shout out.

Add on to that, November also houses one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. What better holiday is there? It’s not about the gifts or running around, it’s about food and companionship. I believe in big spreads and new foods and pretending calories are good for just a day. Beyond the gluttony, I believe in the spirit of having family just hang out together for a day. Waist bands popping, football’s on-couch flopping and my crazy female relatives talking black-friday shopping. I do hope everyone enjoys a little time for family.
For now though, let’s get caught up on our One Month. Here’s how my October looked:
Click here for the zipped PSD file.
Click here for a pdf version of this sketch.
Click here for a pdf version of this sheet.
Just want the faves card?