by Tami Taylor

Can you believe it’s been a year?  I’m at a loss for words to explain this past year, it was the first in our house, first year for Zach to attend school, our first pool freezing over (yes in Vegas), first year for One Month at a Time!  We talked about using the sketches, playing more, getting out of the house, grilling, and getting inspired.  I can not wait to see what 2011 holds!

How did you do with our first round of One Month at a Time?  Did you at least keep caught up enough to make you smile at your accomplishments?  Well, I wont keep you from your sketch any longer, it’s a beauty:

download layered template for Photoshop

open pdf with sketch


Here’s what my month of December looked like:

If you chose to do this as a stand-alone album or if for other reasons you need a ending page; what better way to close the album than to use the same page you used for the title page?

open pdf with sketch

download layered template for Photoshop

I am so excited to do this again in 2011.  The article & sketch will be posted later this week; I have to give you a little time to finish 2010 first, right?


