by Tami Taylor

Well November was cah-razy! Last minute birthday party, last minute family members decided to move out of state; it was a definite fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants month!  I already shared on facebook that I didn’t get a single photo of thanksgiving.  However, I’ll make do with what I have!  Here’s how my November looked:

On to December, so you decided to do something this holiday season, whether it’s December Daily, Journal Your Christmas or Documenting December, you signed on for a job.  Each year I think “ooh I’m going to be all over it this year!”, and each year life takes over (see November!).

The hard part (for me) is finding the time to do this on the busy days. If I miss a day, it quickly becomes two, three then I give up. I hate it, but it’s what happens.  Trying to catch up as the month goes on (and gets busier) is near impossible. So, this year I developed a plan and I’m going to share it with you! I created a list of prompts that have nice simple answers. (For the most part, a few are a little more in depth). I’m going to use these on days that I’m busy can’t do a more thought provoking answer; or on days when I’m just stumped on what to journal about period.

Here they are in case your life gets a little chaotic during the holiday season:

  1. Favorite ornament I own
  2. Favorite holiday movie
  3. Favorite holiday song
  4. Favorite holiday past
  5. Favorite holiday gift given
  6. Favorite holiday gift received
  7. Favorite holiday memory
  8. Favorite holiday decoration
  9. Favorite place to visit during the holiday
  10. Favorite preparation for the holiday
  11. Favorite anti-holiday activity
  12. Favorite holiday layout
  13. Favorite holiday photo ever
  14. Favorite holiday recipe
  15. Favorite holiday dish someone else makes
  16. Favorite holiday drink
  17. Favorite holiday tradition
  18. Favorite place to shop for the holiday
  19. Favorite item on your gift list this year
  20. Favorite holiday cookie
  21. Favorite holiday drink
  22. Favorite thing about decorating
  23. Favorite person I like seeing during the holidays
  24. Favorite smell during the holidays
  25. Favorite holiday story

My personal goal for December is to do something each day whether it’s a photo, a layout, blog or write in my journal.  Let us know in the comments below or in the forums what your game plan is for December and with each other’s encouragement we can get it done!  I’ll be back at the end of the month with the final sketch of 2010 and to see how everyone did.

Here’s the link to the pdf of the November sketch.

Here’s the link to the November psd file.

Make some time, get November scrapped and start keeping track of December with this by the numbers.  It’s going to be over before you know it!


