succulent background

An analogous color scheme uses colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel.

These are pleasing low-contrast combinations. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

For “You Cannot See Me,” Doris Sander chose green, yellow-green, and yellow for this spring layout. She say’s “They bring to mind nature, new growth, and being outside on a warm sunny day.”

imageLayout by Doris Sander from Masterful Scrapbook Design: September 2010.

Lisa Dickinson often uses analagous color schemes on her pages. Lisa says, “This type of color scheme is easy to create – just select two colors next to each other on the color wheel. It’s a bit richer and offers more nuances than a monochromatic page. I love to play with this type of palette when I’m working with black and white photos–it’s very hard to mess up!”

imageLayout by Lisa Dickinson from Masterful Scrapbook Design: September 2010.

Debbie Hodge almost always likes to include some color contrast on her pages. This page, though is already very busy with lots of photos and differing colors of clothing with the photos. Thus, the analogous yellow and green keep things from getting chaotic and let the viewer make sense of all the photos.

image Layout by Debbie Hodge from Masterful Scrapbook Design: September 2010.

Dina Wakley used a neutral canvas, sepia-toned photos, and broke out with embellishments in analogous colors blue, indigo, and violet on “Birds.” The result is a page with focused spots of strong color and contrasts that has a harmonious feel.

imageLayout by Dina Wakley from Masterful Scrapbook Design: October 2010.

On “Wildpark,” Amber Ries chose analogous blue and green which are in keeping with her outdoor theme, give the page punch, and yet, keeping the 17 photos accessible.

imageLayout by Amber Ries from Masterful Scrapbook Design: December 2010.

Jenni Bowlin’s “Only He Knows” is embellished with leaves and hand-drawn vines in the blues and greens of the outdoors. They contrast with the white canvas for interest, and they frame her photo, echoing the green in her son’s shirt.

image Jenni Bowlin from Masterful Scrapbook Design November 2010.